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Upcoming Training

Facilitators Training Intensive

Starting Aug 31

Skills for Facilitators

Empower teams to do their best work.


A facilitator guides and intervenes to get decisions, solutions and alignment.

Facilitation is a term being used for many purposes. At Metonomy, we define a facilitator as someone whose focus is on the group process and not on the content of what the group is working on.


Great facilitators ensure that meetings are productive and that groups of people give out their best work both online and in person.


If you are interested in developing your skills as what is commonly referred to as a "workshop facilitator" we invite you to check out our page on skills for trainers.

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Training Content

Here’s what you’ll be able to do by the end of this training…

Prepare yourself for an epic journey. This training will significantly alter your presence as a facilitator both online and in person. You will walk away more confident, with a wide range of tools and skills, to enable groups of people to do their work more effectively. Here are some of the conversations we will have together.

Great meetings
Organize, plan and run productive and engaging meetings.

Group processes
Support the fundamental group processes: communication, problem solving, decision making and conflict management.

Deep Listening
Develop a keen and attentive listening that goes beyond the surface content.

Expanded Toolkit
Select from a wide range of facilitation techniques to elevate discussions, evaluations, analysis or creativity.

Filter information

Differentiate between what's really happening and interpretations made (yours of those of others).

Manage the environment

Bring a new awareness to your management of time, space and energy with any group.

Deal with the unexpected
Expand your ability to get groups of people back on track in the face of the most surprising challenges.

Targeted Interventions
Develop the ability to powerfully and effectively intervene to support groups when needed.

Group dynamics

Develop your awareness of group dynamics to better assess and intervene to support the group process.






Consolidate your learning into your professional life so this training does not remain in your notes or as a list of good ideas.

Get Feedback

The feedback you receive is often impractical or unusable. You will learn to give and receive valuable feedback that elevate your performance.

Learn Frameworks
More than tips and tricks, or best practices, frameworks give you entire operating systems to be and act from.


Each training includes four rounds of practice sessions. This experimental setting allows you to learn by doing.


The Metonomy Learning Experience

Develop your craft with peers and an expert

This training is designed around you and your community of peers. The frameworks and activities enrich the conversation resulting in a unique experience.

Yes to...

Micro cohorts

Custom content

Hands-on learning

No to...


Pre-recorded videos

Massive webinars


Who this is for

Designed for professional facilitators and team leaders.

Perfect for managers, business leaders, consultants, educators and anyone who is interested in being more effective at empowering groups of people.


This training has no prerequisites and works for all levels and styles of facilitators. Whether you have zero or thousands of hours of experience; or whether you have a formal education in facilitation or not.


This training is done online and will focus on online facilitation, but those skills apply to in person work as well.

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Coaches inquire and reflect,


to get focus, insights and actions,


by doing 20% speaking, and
80% listening.



Presenters tell and share,


to get information, inspiration and credibility,


by doing 80% speaking, and
20% listening.



Trainers teach and involve,


to get knowledge, skills and attitude,


by doing 50% speaking, and
50% listening.

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